
Angola: UNITA votes against OGE-2021 for not contemplating the realization of municipalities and bringing a tide of uncertainty

For UNITA, these objectives have depended on the optimism of the economic growth of oil prices in the international market, which means that, looking at the other indicators, the recovery of the economy will be totally dependent on the dynamics of the oil market.
The UNITA Parliamentary Group voted against, because it noted, during the debates in particular, the fact that the Executive did not adopt the preparation of the Program Budget as such, as provided for by Presidential Decree No. 213/20, dated 10 August , due to the weak performance of the country’s economy, characterized by 5 consecutive economic recessions, worsening with Covid-19, with the need to readjust spending decisions with revenue projections, having still chosen to prepare the budget classic, that is, focused on expenses, characterized by the reallocation of funds.
The UNITA Parliamentary Group understands that the failure to prepare the program budget denotes the lack of definition of priorities, even in the face of scarce financial resources, which also denotes the lack of economic, financial and technical feasibility studies, with a view to determining real and necessary funds for the implementation of projects that are considered to be priorities, which on the other hand constitutes the absence of monitoring and evaluation and inspection of them.
In declarations of vote, UNITA emphasizes that, since the National Assembly is a sovereign body, the inspection should not deserve the authorization of the Executive, as it has happened so far, which is yet another reason why the GPU voted against.
On the other hand, the vote against is because, they consider the registration of projects in the OGE to be unfounded, attributing small amounts, under the pretext of lack of financial resources and that, as soon as there is financial availability, the funds are transferred for the execution of the projects. an exercise that UNITA understands as an act of predisposition to theft and diversion of funds.
“However, the UNITA Parliamentary Group stresses that it did not vote against budgetary allocations, but rather against the ineffective and inefficient execution of their management, which have not had a quantitative and much less qualitative impact on the lives of the citizens we represent. ”, He says.
While fiscal policy has prioritized looting citizens’ pockets for decades, due to poor public policy choices, corruption and embezzlement, instead of applying aggressive taxes to large fortunes, whose origins were illegal, in addition to placing the Sovereign Bodies , with emphasis on the National Assembly in the condition of begging for its operation, UNITA says that it can only vote against this budget.
It further emphasizes that, as long as monetary policy continues to suffocate the business class and high-interest households, on the other hand, unfairly favoring competition from commercial banks with National Treasury Bills and the uncontrolled devaluation of the national currency, the group UNITA parliamentary representative cannot vote in favor of this budget.
UNITA reaffirms its vote against, as expressed in its Political Declaration, during the discussion and debate in general of the OGE for the Economic Exercise of 2021, as it does not contemplate the realization of local authorities in all municipalities in 2021, the new electoral registration before general and municipal elections, as well as increased budget allocations for education and health.
Other reasons for voting against are related to the lack of auditing of public debt and public tenders for the award of contracts, the reinforcement of the budget allocation for agriculture, manufacturing and scientific research for the diversification of the economy, the fight corruption in a serious and widespread way beyond the revision of the Constitution, state reform, transparency and good governance.
Notwithstanding the considerations made above, the GPU calls on the Executive to adopt the recommendations that were formulated by the National Assembly, in order to overcome the economic and social difficulties, which the populations are going through, in a short period of time.
“Exceed, Mr. President, if there were inspection by the National Assembly, regarding the Executive’s actions, the banquet we saw at TPA would not have the same proportions”, he concludes.


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