
Angola: Sonangol administrators earn 12 times more than Members of the National Assembly

Parliamentary groups consider the value of the prize to be false. However, everything is published in the Republic Diary, after being approved by the deputies in a session without press coverage, revealing a Christmas prize estimated at 4 million Kwanzas (the equivalent of about 5,000 euros).
In 2018, the National Assembly of Angola approved a 5% increase in the base salaries of the 220 deputies of the five political forces, according to a resolution of 10 January, with retroactive effects.
In addition to the salary equivalent to 1,530 euros, deputies also saw subsidies and compensation added so that the effective exercise of their mandate as representatives of the people is ensured, plus several subsidies, to “give them greater remunerative dignity” in the face of inflation in the country.
The President of the National Assembly started to have his salary fixed at 608,123 kwanzas (about 1,700 euros), to which was added a component corresponding to 80% of this value for Representation Expenses. To this amount will also be added the monthly fees of a Domestic Personnel allowance equal to their salary and a Communication allowance of 90%.
But public scrutiny of parliamentary activities conceals more opaque realities such as Sonangol’s president salary, estimated at $ 31,500 and an Administration whose salary (administrators and directors) is $ 22,837 (20,371 euros), and directors whose salary of directors corresponds to 13 250 dollars (11 819 euros) per month – values ​​for 2016.


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