
USA: Donald Trump may announce his intention to run again in 2024

Now that the Electoral College has confirmed Joe Biden’s election to the United States Presidency, the next few days should serve to see what Donald Trump plans to do.

The President continues to reject the results of the elections but his attempts to get the courts to change the results in certain states have failed.

Sources in the White House cited by the American media say that the President is now looking for a “ramp-out”.

Trump may announce his intention to run again in 2024 or even wait until Biden’s inauguration day to do so at a rally in a city outside Washington.

Congress has to confirm Electoral College count

For now, however, there is one more step to take to confirm the election of Joe Biden.

On January 6, Congress has to meet to confirm the vote of the Electoral College and that day, according to the law, at least one senator and one deputy from the House of Representatives may raise objections.

Karl Rove, former adviser to President George W. Bush, said he would not be surprised if on that day a senator and a representative as required are making statements calling into question the outcome.

“This is what I believe will happen, but I do not see the results to be canceled tomorrow or on the 6th of January,” added that Republican strategist speaking the day before the Electoral College met

Rove’s argument that there is little or no chance that this is likely to happen is due to the fact that Democrats have a majority in the House of Representatives, so these objections will find no echo there.

And there is no possibility to delay the decision. The law says that the congress must resolve within two hours any objection raised to the Electoral College.

Chris Christie, a former Republican governor of the state of New Jersey, says his colleagues now have to start looking ahead.

“Republicans now need to say thank you very much Mr. President for your service, thank you for the good things you did while in the presidency and with which we agree, but now we need to move forward to ensure that we are declaring republican principles that are of interest to the people of this country and that people supported in very high numbers, ”said Christie.

He was referring here to the fact that election night in addition to the presidential defeat was a good night for Republicans.

They won seats in the House of Representatives, will be able to retain control of the Senate and have recovered a state governor.

Rahm Emmanuel, former chief of staff to President Barack Obama, says this is something that Democrats have to look into.

“As Democrats we also have a challenge ahead of us in these elections, in addition to what was a transactional decision – supporting Joe Biden to defeat Donald Trump – the Democrats did not get good results in other votes,” said Emmanuel, who also said Democratic Party has to “reflect, look in the mirror and ask how in the worst health crisis, in the worst economic situation since the depression, an election that should have been a transformation was just a transactional vote to end Donald Trump” .

“Electoral College confirmed Biden’s victory. Congress meets on 6 January to confirm the count ”

That Democratic strategist also said that the two parties now have the support of a large number of voters who feel they are not seen or heard.

“The era when parties spoke to a central group in the middle of the electoral spectrum and believed in America is over,” he said.

For Obama’s former chief of staff, “the energy in both parties now comes from people who do not believe that the economic system or the political system gives them legitimacy.”

As for Joe Biden, for him “the task is not only to heal the country from a public and economic health crisis, but to get the country to believe in America,” he added.

For the parties, the immediate future is one of great challenges, with Republicans still uncertain about Donald Trump’s political future and his influence within the party and Democrats having to deal with pressure from an influential left-wing group that is held responsible. the party’s poor results in the legislatures.

Donald Trump and Joe Biden with different challenges in the immediate future


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