
Angola: Weekend to be marked by demonstrations

The streets of Angola have been the scene of protests in recent months and two more are scheduled for Saturday. For João Lourenço, it is possible to have cohabitation between protesters and forces of order during demonstrations.
In recent months there have been protests, especially by young people, who paint the streets of Angola with posters and slogans.
For this Saturday (19.12), two demonstrations are planned, one of which was organized by Abel Chivukuvuku, who saw the legalization of his political project, called PRA-JA Servir Angola, failing the Constitutional Court. The former advisor to Jonas Savimbi wants to show that he does not give up and he proposes to those who support him to go out on the street.
In an interview with the Portuguese newspaper Público, published this Friday (18.12), Abel Chivukuvuku says he received “threats that he could be shot on Saturday”.
The second demonstration was called by the National Union of Doctors (SINMEA). The president of that union, Adriano Manuel, is subject to disciplinary proceedings for alleged breach of professional secrecy, which culminated four months ago with a fine of one sixth of his monthly salary.
According to the secretary general, the union considers the process “a flagrant breach of the law”, emphasizing that Adriano Manuel was not given the possibility to defend himself.
“We plan to go out on the street next Saturday, starting at 12:30 pm, to concentrate on Largo da Mutamba and to march to awaken the country’s medical class and the national and international community to join this cause in defense not only of the rights of doctors, but also to provide a good service to our patients ”, stressed Pedro da Rosa this week, speaking to Lusa news agency.
“It is possible to carry out orderly demonstrations”
Speaking on Thursday (17.12), the Angolan President challenged protesters and law enforcement officials to show that, in Angola, it is possible for them to cohabit during demonstrations.
“It is possible to carry out orderly demonstrations that achieve their objective, that of bringing the message that is intended to the authorities and to society,” said João Lourenço in the context of the opening of a meeting with the country’s military leaders.
João Lourenço also reinforced the role of the forces, authorizing the exercise of State authority firmly, whenever the situation advises, but always with restraint, seeking to find points of balance between the need to establish order and the citizens’ right to demonstrate.
“They are not to accept gratuitous excesses from the forces of order, nor are they to accept gratuitous excesses on the part of the demonstrators,” he said.


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