
Angola: MPLA is “afraid of the people”, says Abel Chivukuvuku

In 2022, the people have to checkmate the MPLA and prove to our brother President João Lourenço that the sovereign is the people and not him, who has the MPLA from the people. ” Now I’m Revú ”, says that Angolan politician 

Abel Epalanga Chivukuvuku guarantees that he will run for the 2022 elections, despite the Constitutional Court (TC) having failed to legalize his new political project, PRA-JA – Servir Angola, while, for now, he says he will integrate the self-styled Revolutionary Movement.

Abel Epalanga Chivukuvuku’s optimism in running for the 2022 elections, even after the last “lead” of the TC, according to sources close to him, comes from the fact that he is in advanced negotiations with the National Salvation Party (PNSA), led by Sikonda Lolendo Alexandre, who is part of CASA-CE, the coalition founded by Chivukuvuku.

In a demonstration last Saturday, 19, in Luanda, against the decision of the TC not to legalize his political formation, Chivukuvuku announced that “as of today they know that I am also revú”, a designation attributed to the members of the self-proclaimed Revolutionary Movement.

However, he remains confident in the legalization of his political training and guarantees that he will send another appeal to the TC.

“PRA-JÁ exists, PRA-JÁ will always exist and we will run in the 2022 elections”, assures Abel Chivukuvuku, who announces a year of demonstrations in 2021, with a view to the elections of the following year

“In 2022, the people have to checkmate the MPLA and prove to our brother João Lourenço that the sovereign is the people and not him”, he defended in the demonstration in which politicians linked to UNITA, CASA-CE and the Democratic Bloc participated.

With a long political trajectory, Abel Chivukuvuku left UNITA following disagreements with that party’s president, Isaías Samakuva, and, in 2012, the politician founded CASA-CE, which removed him last year due to an alleged breach of trust.


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