
Angola: MPLA that has the army, the police and the secret as its private property

The people only need to count the statistics: We would be deceiving ourselves if we believed that the army, the police, and the secret are at the service of the people, which does not correspond with the reality of the facts. 

All this machinery, which is always repressive when asked to carry out missions inside or outside Angola, is clearly at the service of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola ( MPLA), just note that even Angolan troops are sent outside the country.

Without any authorization from the assembly, even if this is a farce. But that is at least where the other parcel of Angolan deputies is, who have nothing to do with the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola ( MPLA), to agree or disagree.

The Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola ( MPLA) gives clear evidence that it does not need the people for anything and their vote is really a simulation. Because with or without votes, they have almost everything in the country and under their control to legalize their power with necessary votes or without them.

Whoever needs the people, does not treat the people like the remains of pebbles or crumbs in a desert. This is the only way to understand those whole families are left for years and years abandoned to their luck in the open with demolished houses and without the minimum attention from the state. The norm is who needs people, to treat them with affection, respect, and dignity.

You yourselves who live there, can the sensible ones assure me that they have received this treatment from the government under the management of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola ( MPLA)? If I lie, please deny me, if I exaggerate, say it out loud and in a good tone, is that not so?

The people for the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola ( MPLA) is what I always say, it is nothing more than a mere detail that counts for the statistics. In these times when the partisan police presence receives orders from several people, from the police commander, head of the secret.

From the military house and João Lourenço (JLO), in the most diverse situations of the Angolan political moment, always exploiting even criminally the instrumentalization of the militarized force transformed into his property.

Fernando Vumby


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