
USA: Attorney General will not designate a special team to investigate allegations of electoral fraud or Biden’s son

Outgoing US Attorney General William Barr denied the possibility of appointing a special team to investigate elections or Biden’s son. It is a new setback for Trump, from his former ally.

US Attorney General William Barr said there was no reason to appoint a special team to directly investigate allegations of electoral fraud in the presidential election or also the suspicions surrounding the President-elect’s youngest son, Hunter Biden. This stance is another one that William Barr takes in the opposite direction of what Donald Trump, his former ally, defends

“As soon as an investigation already exists, I believe it will be conducted responsibly and professionally,” said William Barr this Monday, on the specific case of the investigations surrounding Hunter Biden, which he announced on December 9. being investigated by the US tax authorities. “So far, I haven’t seen any reason to designate a special team and I’m not looking to do it until I leave,” concluded William Barr.

William Barr was appointed to the post of U.S. Attorney General in February 2019, taking over from Jeff Sessions. Displeased with the performance of that former Alabama senator, who accused him of not being loyal, Donald Trump appointed William Barr, who in June 2018 had already stood out for having spontaneously presented to the deputy attorney, Rod Rosenstein, a 19-page memo where he criticized the investigation into the alleged collusion of Donald Trump’s campaign with the Kremlin.

For most of his tenure, William Barr was regarded as one of the most loyal men to Donald Trump in Washington DC. In March, shortly after taking office, he was responsible for publishing a four-page letter summarizing Robert Mueller’s investigation into the allegations between the Kremlin and the Donald Trump campaign. In seeking to summarize the original investigation (with 488 pages), William Barr ended up making a selective presentation of the investigation, choosing not to expose parts that, although not compromising the President of the USA, also did not clear him – as it turned out to be the case. suspicions for obstructing justice.

However, in Donald Trump’s final stretch at the White House, William Barr joined the ranks of those who, in one way or another, left the President’s side. On December 1, he gave an interview to the Associated Press where he rejected the possibility of electoral fraud, contrary to what Donald Trump said at the time and continues to say until now. “To date, we have not seen election fraud on a scale that would have led to a different outcome in these elections,” he said at that time.

Since then, the relationship between Donald Trump and William Barr has worsened, with the President openly criticizing his attorney general. In an interview with Fox News, he even suggested that the FBI and the Justice Department (the latter, headed by William Barr) had conspired against his campaign and in favor of Joe Biden’s election.

William Barr ended up resigning on December 14, shortly after the Electoral College confirmed Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential election. The news was given by Donald Trump, who published the letter of resignation from William Barr, which said that the expected date of the end of his duties would be December 23, this Wednesday.

João de Almeida Dias



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