
Angola: Joana Tomás harshly criticized after interview in Jornal da Zimbo

The political analyst, Ilídio Manuel, started by observing that the public channel attached to Public Television of Angola (TPA), called TV Zimbo, gave too much airtime during the edition of his newspaper on Monday, 21, to Joana Tomás, designate the general secretary of the Organization of Angolan Women (OMA), the female arm of the MPLA.  

According to the analyst, in the interview given to the “slightly modified clone of TPA 1 and 2” during the newscast, Joana Tomás made a political campaign in favor of her party, having invited the presenter, Leda Makuéria, to be part of the cast. of the female party organization, Organization of Angolan Women (OMA).

The invitation, he says, did not seem innocent to me, since for Joana Tomás there will be no incompatibility in being a member of the Angolan Women’s Organization (OMA) and Journalist, in mixing party work with a profession that, in principle, should be exempt and equidistant.

“With this, did I want to transmit his vast experience as a journalist at TPA and as a member of the female arm of M?”, He asked.

For Ilídio Manuel, the bonding of public TV and its appendices to the party that supports the Government was once again evident, to the detriment of the remaining national political formations, whose leaders have been simply ignored by public bodies, in the media.

“The interview may also have caused jealousy to the mothers of the Organization of Angolan Women (OMA), (the women of Xofrimento) who do not welcome the meteoric rise of (catorzinha) Joana Tomás,” he said.

Wylsony Dos Santos, Communicologist and university lecturer, said that Joana Tomás should not even participate in the short interview with Zimbo’s newspaper, because for him, it may have been incomprehensible, what would be the relevance of this interview, as a unique candidate.

“Maybe it was better to wait until after the congress, then yes, it started with the political marketing campaign. The strategy failed and created noise. Certainly, it was everything she didn’t need at the moment, ”he observed.

One netizen, for example, considered that comrade Joana Tomás’s “land-to-earth” statement, according to which, “the main enemy of women is men”, brings to light the discussion regarding the innate domain of journalists over of media training.

He also said that this statement gives “blood” to the argument that even when the journalist goes to the source, speaking on behalf of institutions or individuals, he must submit to the dictates of the press office or institutional communication.

In fact, he emphasizes, it is recommended that a good strategy is urgently adopted to “minimize” the damage of this stain that has just been associated with its image for good and long times, and I am completely convinced that the idea that Comrade intended to pass is not the one that the respective words give us to understand, when it is, precisely here, where the reason and the pertinence of the communication as science resides.

It should be noted that Joana Tomás, was officially presented on December 17, 2020, as the sole candidate of the MPLA Women’s organization to replace, Luzia Inglês “INGA”, in March 2021, whose National Committee, composed of about 235 women, was allegedly unanimous, in relation to the candidacy of also a journalist, Joana Tomás.


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