
COVID-19: Angola closes borders to South Africa, Australia, Nigeria and the United Kingdom

Angola will suspend air, land, and sea connections with South Africa, Australia, Nigeria, and the United Kingdom, starting at 00:00 on December 26, 2020, due to the emergence of the new variant of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

The decision was made public today through a statement from the Angolan ministries of Interior, Foreign Affairs, Health, and Transport.

“In order to guarantee the prevention and control of national borders, air, land and sea connections for passengers from South Africa, Australia, Nigeria, and the United Kingdom are suspended as of midnight on December 26, 2020 ”, they inform.

The same communiqué states that the conditions will be created for the resumption of connections as soon as the epidemiological situation allows and according to what is determined by the competent health authorities.

Angolan health authorities today reported 70 new cases of covid-19 in the last 24 hours, of which 39 were male and 31 female, aged between 1 and 71 years.

Among the newly infected, 30 are from Moxico, 14 from Luanda, 13 from Lunda Norte, six from Bié, four from Cabinda, two from Huíla, and one from Uíje.

A 71-year-old woman died of the disease and three people recovered.

Angola totals 17,099 cases, of which 396 deaths, 9,921 recovered, and 6,782 active.

The covid-19 pandemic caused at least 1,743,187 deaths resulting from more than 79.3 million cases of infection worldwide, according to a report made by the French agency AFP.

The disease is transmitted by a new coronavirus detected in late December 2019 in Wuhan, a city in central China.

In Africa, there are 61,432 confirmed deaths in almost 2.6 million people infected in 55 countries, according to the latest statistics on the continent’s pandemic.

Among Portuguese-speaking countries, Angola records 396 deaths and 17,099 cases, followed by Mozambique (156 deaths and 18,108 cases), Cape Verde (112 deaths and 11,696 cases), Equatorial Guinea (85 dead and 5,236 cases), Guinea-Bissau (45 deaths and 2,446 cases) and São Tomé and Príncipe (17 deaths and 1,009 cases).


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