
USA: Donald Trump appoints close advisers to public office before leaving White House

Among the nominees are Richard Grenell, Hope Hicks, Fulbright, and Stephanie Grisham, who announced in the press release that there are more than 40 nominations.

The outgoing President of the United States, Donald Trump, appointed on Tuesday 22 December, several closest advisers to management positions in public institutions, in a sign of the preparation for his departure from the White House.

Despite continuing to fail to acknowledge his defeat in the presidential election, Trump must “hand over the keys” to the White House to his successor, Joe Biden, on January 20, the date of the inauguration of the new US president.

According to news agency AFP, the Republican nominated former German ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, who is also one of his most fervent advocates for the media, to the Board of Trustees of the Holocaust Memorial in Washington.

Her closest adviser, Hope Hicks, who previously worked for the Trump Organization before joining the first presidential campaign in 2015, when she was just 26, will serve on the board of directors of the Fulbright Foreign Exchange, a scholarship program for prestige for foreign students in the United States and American students abroad.

The very discreet former White House spokesman, Stephanie Grisham, will be part of the National Council for Educational Sciences, an advisory body.

The press release announcing more than 40 appointments adds to similar ones already released in recent weeks.

Donald Trump also placed former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi on the board of directors at the prestigious John F. Kennedy arts center in Washington.

Bondi was part of the legal team that defended the outgoing president from his Senate impeachment trial and, more recently, joined Trump’s legal battle against the election of Democrat Joe Biden.

Despite the failure of virtually all legal resources used and the certification of electoral results in each state, Trump continues to claim that he won the November elections.

Although he has not yet confirmed his attendance at Joe Biden’s inauguration ceremony on January 20, he has already indicated that he will leave the White House at the end of his term.


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