
Angola: Angolan musician and businessman Teta Lagrimas dies

Angolan singer Teta Lágrimas died today in Luanda, a victim of illness, according to a family source.

Brother of the also ill-fated Angolan musician Teta Lando, the musician died at his home in Benfica (Luanda).

Coming from a family of artists, her grandfather played and sang fado, her mother played guitar, in addition to her brother, Abel Lágrimas da Conceição, Teta started singing at the age of 14, before moving to RD Congo, where he worked with Bobongo Stars and Vévé de Verckys Mateta orchestras.

Then he traveled to Portugal, where he recorded the first album entitled “Colorful Friendship”. Other albums followed, such as “Mãe de todos nós”, “Coisas da vida”, “Dilemma”, “Luanda já foste linda”, “Renascente Esperança”, “Genuinamente”, “Letra chorada”, “Lágrimas do coração”.

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