
Foods to avoid after 30

The number of toxic foods consumed over the years is surprising. In fact, the list of foods that are harmful to health has generated great controversies, because most of what is eaten are promoted as healthy food when in fact, considered by doctors, foods that are toxic and absolutely harmful to health, and even more after a certain age. 

When you are an adult you have the freedom to eat whatever you want and at the time you want, which makes it even easier to eat toxic foods.

As time goes by, the human body is no longer the same. This means that if a person wants to lose or not gain extra weight, they should not abuse foods that can harm their health.

Even if it does not feel different, with the arrival of 30 years the body changes its way, and with these changes comes the difficulty of losing weight and maintaining health intact. It is important to identify and avoid harmful foods, as they contribute to the development of chronic and degenerative diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, hypertension, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, migraine, cranial pressure (idiopathic origin), or rheumatic diseases in general.

Here are two of the foods you should avoid at all costs if you are over 30:

Butter (margarine)

Butters and margarine are usually made with partially hydrogenated oils, one of the most common ‘trans’ fats, which is linked to heart disease and which accelerated the skin’s aging process, making it more vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation. Consuming margarine can cause chronic inflammation, and consequently can speed up the formation of wrinkles.


Even if you appeal to anti-wrinkle creams, no product will stop the law of nature from following its course. After 30, the production of collagen and elastin decreases the protein that keeps the skin firm, so it starts to break, causing fine lines. And while it is impossible to stop the aging process, it is possible to delay and maintain youthful skin for longer by cutting off sugar, which is the number one nutrient in accelerating wrinkles and sagging.

Sugar is practically in all foods that are consumed on a daily basis, mainly in camouflaged foods, such as bread, ketchup, and flavored yoghurts, and also in juices, coffees, and cookies.


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