
Do you exercise? Your bones thank you

We are used to associating the benefits of exercise with the health of the heart, muscles, and brain activity. But bones also need an activity to stay strong. Realize why.

Bone tissue is in constant formation. During childhood and adolescence, replacement is, of course, faster than loss, and as a result, the bones become larger, heavier, and denser. At the end of the growth period, and especially from the age of 40, this proportion is reversed, and the bones tend to lose density and weaken. But it is possible to keep them healthy. And both food and exercise play a fundamental role in this process. Being made up of living tissue, the bones react to the nutrients consumed and the forces they are subjected to, responding to physical activity and the absorption of nutrients with the formation of more tissue, or bone mass. Therefore, the practice of exercise and a diet where calcium is not lacking make the bones denser.

This is another warning from the Portuguese Osteoporosis Association (APO), which, on the occasion of World Osteoporosis Day, on October 20, has been giving lectures and webinars to raise awareness among the Portuguese for the prevention of a silent and incurable disease: osteoporosis. This disease occurs when there is a loss of bone tissue to the point of weakening the bones, making them thin and brittle, that is, easily fractured. To stress the need to care for bone health, the Association makes a call to everyone: love your bones. Which means taking care of them before they signal.

Through the mouth… bones live

We live in a time when the specifics of food are widely publicized and often discussed. But one thing is certain: 99% of the constitution of bones is body calcium. Basil Ribeiro, a specialist in sports medicine and a member of the APO, mentions milk as the most easily available source of this mineral in the daily diet. To give you an idea, 250 ml of milk (one glass) provides the body with 35% of the Daily Reference Value of this nutrient. Basil Ribeiro also highlights the importance of vitamin D, whose main function is the absorption of calcium by the intestine. In addition to being rich in calcium, milk is also an important source of proteins of high biological value, essential for building and preserving bone mass.

Knowing that there are food chains that advocate other foods in place of milk, with allegedly the same amounts of calcium, it is important to note that the amount of calcium absorbed by the intestine is more important than the amount ingested. Pedro Cunha, researcher, and nutrition specialist helps us to understand the advantage of milk and its derivatives in relation to, for example, vegetables: “Knowing that calcium is one of the most important nutrients for the composition of the bone matrix, it is important to note that not all sources are the same. Vegetables are, in general, rich in phytic and oxalic acids, substances that considerably decrease intestinal calcium absorption. On the other hand, milk and its derivatives are a very favorable way of adapting calcium intake ”,

The relationship between milk and osteoporosis prevention has been widely studied and the protective effect of consumption of this food on bone mineral density is proven by science.

Move, by the strength of your skeleton

When it comes to bone health, there are exercises particularly recommended. Identifying them is simple, as an article on the Harvard Medical School website explains, in which you are advised to choose those that have one or more of the following attributes: resistance, weight, impact, speed, and sudden changes of direction. It is important to choose the most appropriate exercise for each age. Thus, in the youngest, training with weights and rubber bands, running and walking or team sports such as football, volleyball, or basketball, can be great allies in maintaining bone health. For older people or those who, in adulthood, have not practiced for a long time, the most convenient option is to go for walks and, whenever possible, nature walks, or trekking., which strain the muscles more and, consequently, better stimulate the formation of bone tissue. At the same time, all activities that promote balance are also good allies, as they help prevent falls that can cause fractures, especially at older ages.

When osteoporosis has arrived

To think that, because they are more prone to fractures, osteoporosis patients should avoid physical activity is a false question because, in fact, they can – and should – adopt a healthy lifestyle, which includes regular exercise. It is necessary to avoid impact exercises such as running and all those that involve jumping or sudden starts, but there are many that can be recommended for osteoporosis sufferers:

  • Strength training;
  • Aerobic exercise with weights;
  • Flexibility exercises;
  • Flexibility and balance training.

Before starting, it is advisable to consult the doctor and alert the instructor to the existence of bone fragility, but the benefits of exercise, whatever the state of health, are undeniable as long as they are practiced with account, weight, and measure, as advocated by Rubens Meggetto, Technical Director of CMEP – Exercise Medical Center. “If the stimulus is too small, it does not cause significant changes. If it is too high, it can violate the individual’s tolerance, which, in the long run, can cause injuries and, in the short run, bring discouragement and discouragement, especially for the population that is already sedentary ”, defends Rubens Meggetto.

On October  22, you can attend the  Webinar  “Exercise your bones. With weight and measure ”, by the CMEP Technical Director, at  3 pm, through the Observer‘s website and social networks, and   APO’s Facebook. It will be an excellent occasion to learn more about the importance of physical exercise for your skeleton and, in this way, learn to love your bones.


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