
Africa: Angola reiterates full support for legitimate institutions in the Central African Republic

Angola is following with concern the developments on the political, security, and humanitarian situation that affect the population of CAR and the threats to the presidential elections.

Angola reiterated, this Saturday, its full support to the legitimate institutions of the Central African Republic (CAR), following “with great concern” the latest developments on the political and security situation.

The position was expressed by the head of Angolan diplomacy, Téte António, who was speaking on behalf of the President of Angola, João Lourenço, at the extraordinary virtual summit of the conference of heads of state and government of the Economic Community of Central African States (CEEAC).

Téte António stressed that the summit was held at a “very difficult” time for the people of CAR, due to threats to peace and security, caused by the new attacks by armed groups.

The Angolan Minister of Foreign Affairs launched an appeal to the collective will of the international, continental, and regional community, to be in solidarity with the current situation of the CAR.

According to Téte António, Angola is following with great concern the latest developments on the political, security, and humanitarian situation affecting the civilian population and threats to the presidential and legislative elections scheduled for this Sunday.

“We urge all political actors to urgently cease all hostilities, and to work together to ensure favorable conditions for the holding of credible, inclusive, peaceful, and transparent elections on December 27, 2020”, said the Angolan government official.

The head of Angolan diplomacy reiterated that “elections continue to be the only legitimate way of accessing power in accordance with the Constitution of the CAR and with international, continental and regional rules and principles”.

Angola also urged the parties to resolve any dispute in a peaceful manner, in the interest of the Central African people, “who have been suffering for a long time due to conflict and instability”.

“We therefore call for the calm and containment of the population and political actors to work towards the full implementation of the Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation (APPR-RCA), with a view to guaranteeing the Central African people their sovereign right to vote, ”he said.

As president of the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region, Angola supports the CEEAC and the United Nations Integrated Multidimensional Mission for the Stabilization of the Central African Republic (MINUSCA), as well as the other partners of the CAR, in the context of bilateral cooperation and multilateral in order to find an immediate way out of the conflict and guarantee the holding of elections in this country, within the constitutionally established deadlines.


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