
Angola: Activists defend civil society consensus agenda without party rules

Benguela hosted National Forum for Citizenship in Angola
At the first National Forum for Citizenship in Angola, held last week in the province of Benguela, civic activists defended a consensus agenda without partisan impositions, more adjusted to civil society, for the end of what they consider to be 45 years of bad governance.

Thinking of Angola without exclusion, activist Banza Hanza says that political parties should be attached to this national consensus agenda.

“What has happened is hoarding, the party wins the elections, it decides the agenda. When the other one arrives, he will outline his agenda, he will remove the agenda of 45 years of bad governance, ” says Hanza.

Activist Cambolo Tiaca Tiaca addresses the issue from an autonomous perspective.

“It will not be the magic wand, but it is necessary to develop the municipalities, not least because they have a good slogan: ‘life is made in the municipalities’, so… ”, appeals the activist.

For Tiaca Tiaca, “slogans are just that, projects have never benefited municipalities, it was all for the militants”.

In the host city, Benguela, there is a well-known focus on poverty, the teaching profession that welcomes the former residents of Salinas, who received support from the activists for the festive season.

The initiative, according to beneficiaries, comes to minimize a series of difficulties.

“These days it is really difficult, especially in terms of food. We have many mothers here who have just given birth … the food appears spontaneously, people sometimes get a kilo for the children ”, says a citizen.

It is recalled that the period that the Municipal Administration established for leaving the teaching profession ended a long time ago, with the threat of recourse to force, but the families have remained in place since 24 June.



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