
Angola: Adalberto Costa Júnior accuses MPLA of disinformation campaign but reaffirms willingness for dialogue

UNITA President Adalberto Costa Júnior accused the ruling party in Angola of being involved in a campaign of disinformation against his leadership but reaffirmed his willingness to dialogue.

“Any attentive observer has already realized that the MPLA has made the search for intrigue, falsehood, creating fake news its way of dealing with those who oppose it, which is terrible,” said the UNITA leader who was speaking in Benguela where is on a private visit.

For Costa Júnior, “this is not how democracy works, but we are calm, that’s why we call our opponent to dialogue, we do not live only on criticism”.

Adalberto Costa Júnior described the situation in Angola as “dramatic, poverty, exclusion, people in garbage containers looking for food”.

“Therefore, this is not the Angola we dream of. We have to pull the President into institutional dialogue and not accept that we walk in the dark for the future ”, he said.



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