
Angola: Adalberto Costa Júnior prepares technological and political action plan against electoral fraud

In recent months, political decisions and Security “covert actions” have been generally interpreted as intended to overshadow the idea that UNITA, due to the popularity of its current leader, has become an agglutinating element of discontent and fatigue in relation to the regime, present in different sectors of society.

To this end, “active measures” are associated with the appearance of two new parties, the Humanist Party of Angola and Njango, led respectively by DINHO CHINGUNJI and BELA MALAQUIAS, both dissidents of UNITA. The purpose deduced from the initiative, which is to present the UNITA field as divided, is considered to be articulated with ongoing efforts to demean ACJ’s reputation.

According to verified information, the dissemination of false information about an alleged trip to Guinea-Bissau published on social networks by a former journalist, Carlos Alberto, also originated in interception of telephone communications used by ACJ. SINSE. He is the author of a public “smear campaign” by ACJ, conducted on social networks.

Umaro Sissoco Embaló (USE), PR of Guinea-Bissau, usually maintains telephone contacts with ACJ, initiated on his own initiative. The referred “fake news” are considered the result of the use of passages of conversations between both in which USE expresses the “pleasure” of receiving him in Bissau. A trip recently made by ACJ to Portugal would thus be extended to Bissau, according to the aforementioned false information.


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