
Angola: Alexandra Simeão criticizes the governance of the Provincial Government of Luanda (GPL)

The former deputy minister of education of the Government of Unity and National Reconciliation, Alexandra Simeão severely criticized the governance of Joana Lina ahead of the destinies of the province of Luanda.

Through a post published on her Facebook page, Alexandra Simeão, you start by asking if someone is in fact commanding the Provincial Government of Luanda (GPL)? Or in “separating from the waters” did the work of the first secretary prevail? ”

For the also social activist, “the city is disgusting. There is no public lighting on most streets and roads, in the center and on the outskirts. Garbage abounds on all sides and takes days to be collected when it is collected. Traffic lights have passed away. Light and water have often been lacking. The wreckage of millionaire public urinals continues to demonstrate how inefficient urban management is. Road punctures have tripled. The Gardens are abandoned ”.

Continuing, Alexandra Simeão says that “downtown Luanda is filthy and full of people without any assistance and the historical heritage is no longer important. The number of children and adults looking for food in garbage containers, only seen during wartime, is impressive. In the neighborhoods, life hardens every day, without light, water, sanitation, and very hungry. And in all drainage ditches, rats look like cats. ”

In the former governor’s view, “the only place where the work of the Provincial Government of Luanda (GPL) is seen is in the Cidade Alta that looks like Switzerland. There is not a single hole there, the sidewalks are spotless, the gardens are beautiful without any weeds and are watered every day, the public lights work all the way, the sidewalks of the sidewalks are painted frequently and the dustbins are impeccable. It even had the right to a brilliant Christmas decoration. If the Provincial Government of Luanda (GPL) goes on vacation for 6 months, only Cidade Alta will feel the difference ”, he concludes.


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