
Angola: Civic Activist, Hitler Samussuku, considers that the Constitutional Court (TC) was transformed into the home of Rui Ferreira and Guilhermina Prata

The Civic Activist, Hitler Samussuku, considered a total disappointment, the latest occurrences in the Constitutional Court (TC), when news reports about the existence of dividing wings, as well as the intrigues in that Angolan State institution. 

According to Hitler Samussuku, the Constitutional Court, an institution that would guard the democratic and legal state, has been transformed into the home of Rui Ferreira and Guilhermina Prata, where they do what they want in the name of maintaining the MPLA’s political power.

“They are the ones who, due to the influence of the MPLA political bureau, have made it difficult to legalize PRA-JÁ Serve Angola and are the same ones who kept Manico in the National Electoral Commission (CNE), despite the procedural vices,” he said.

The Constitutional Court, as it still appeals, must be a moral reserve and not the home of “Aunt Guilhermina”, where Juvenile Paulo behaves as he sees fit.

“It is time to strengthen institutions because people pass by,” he appealed.

It should be noted that a group of judges of the Constitutional Court, against the removal of Manico, in the CNE, will have forged the creation of a political party, called Angolan Humanist Convergence for Development (CHAD), a resource to embarrass their colleague, who worked as rapporteur for the document that dictates the departure of Manuel da Silva “Manico”.

However, the group of judges led by Guilhermina Prata, former MPLA deputy, advanced with a request for the replacement of Judge, Conceição de Almeida Sango, claiming that she cannot be a rapporteur of the case in question, because her name appeared in the CHAD party subscription registration.

For the civic activist, this form of work is an authentic demonstration of a lack of patriotism, which is not necessarily new, when the subject is related to renowned people from the ruling party, MPLA.


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