
Angola: Parliament recommends maintaining fuel and energy subsidies

In the Resolution of the General State Budget (OGE) 2021 approved, the parliamentarians maintain that the maintenance of subsidies aims to avoid the increase in prices and costs of maritime, port, fishing, agricultural and annex activities, to encourage the national business community.
Available data indicate that the Executive spends approximately two billion dollars annually on fuel price subsidies.
Currently, the liter of diesel costs 120 kwanzas, while the gasoline is being sold at 160 kwanzas.
In March of this year, during a meeting with journalists, the Minister of Finance, Vera Daves, guaranteed that the withdrawal of subsidies to fuel prices will be made, but with due caution in view of its impact.
“That is why we are reflecting so far, we want to avoid the impact being too strong, we want to ensure that the impact is as small as possible,” said the minister at the time, explaining that this is why the decision has not yet been taken.
In their report, deputies also suggest the implementation of measures to support the private sector, in order to foster the diversification of the national economy and sustainable economic development.
Parliamentarians also defend the review of the appropriations allocated to the National Production Support, Export Diversification and Import Replacement Program (Prodesi).
In the social sector, in addition to defending the construction, rehabilitation and equipping of health, educational and cultural units, deputies also suggest, in 2021, the holding of public entrance exams in the education and health sectors.
For the real economy sector, they suggest completing rehabilitation works and completing national roads.
The State General Budget (OGE) 2021 was approved during the III Extraordinary Plenary Meeting of Parliament, with 141 votes in favor, 48 against and two abstentions.
The document had been examined by the Angolan Parliament’s special committees since November 29, after its general approval.
The OGE 2021, which foresees expenses and revenues of 14.7 billion Kwanzas, has as reference the price of a barrel of oil of 39 USD.
Despite the financial limitations, the programmatic document brings an increase of 9.9 percent in relation to the revised OGE in execution.
The social sector, with 39.5 percent, and the economic sector, with 15.5 percent, were the most included in this budget.
In the diploma, the Angolan Executive proposes a budget for health of 841.5 billion Kwanzas (5.6 percent) and education a billion nine billion Kwanzas (6.83 percent), making up both sectors , an approximate weight of 12.5 percent of OGE 2021.
It also foresees an accumulated inflation rate of 18.7 percent and a growth rate of 2.1 percent for non-oil products.


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