
Angola: Police mobilize all personnel to ensure security in the festive season

According to the director of Public Security and Operations of the General Command of the Angolan Police, all human and technical resources of the corporation are mobilized to ensure the tranquility of the citizens.

The Angolan police announced this Tuesday that all operational conditions have been created for the security of the festive season in the country, ensuring that the more than 110,000 personnel of the corporation in Angola are mobilized for this purpose.

According to the director of Public Security and Operations of the General Command of the Angolan Police, Orlando Bernardo, all the human and technical resources of the corporation are mobilized to guarantee the tranquility of the citizens, with a view to a peaceful end of the year.

At a press conference to present Operation December 2020, which runs from December 20 to January 5, 2021, the police officer urged citizens to “civic behavior” in order to reduce the crime rate during the Christmas season.

The need to comply with the presidential decree on the Situation of Public Calamity, due to Covid-19, whose eighth revocation is in force, was also pointed out by the official, recalling that the diploma imposes limitations for performing festive acts.

In light of this decree, it is worth remembering that there will be no “New Year’s Eve” parties, backyard dances or even going out to watch the fireworks launch ”.

“Party organizers should not apply to the administrative bodies for the legalization of Christmas and New Year parties because they are not authorized, they are prohibited,” he warned.

The decree on the Situation of Public Disaster determines only the holding of family parties with 15 people.

Among the actions to ensure security in the festive season in Angola, Orlando Bernardo said that as of Tuesday, the national police will develop “ contingency actions to prevent risks and threats to public security” in coordination with the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA).

In addition to the FAA, these actions will also count on the other bodies of the Ministry of the Interior, based on obedience and effective compliance with the rules of the Decree on the Situation of Public Disaster, as well as operational actions to prevent and combat crime and accidents road ”.

The Angolan police also intend at this stage to increase the search for information of operational interest, in order to “frustrate any criminal initiative, more punctually, to prevent festive motives in public spaces”.

According to Commissioner Orlando Bernardo, the corporation will increase its visibility in the areas of greatest population concentration, usual spaces for holding parties, in order to prevent outlaw acts.

“Economic crimes and against people” are the criminal characteristics that most concern the Angolan police this Christmas season.

The Angolan police recorded 2,827 different crimes during the festive season of 2019 and want to lower that figure in 2020, urging citizens to “behave within the framework of the law”.


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