
Angola: Supreme Court officials demand better working conditions and higher wages

Officials of the Supreme Court of Angola (TS) started this Thursday, 17, a general strike to demand better working conditions and higher wages.

The strike was called by the Union Commission of the Union of Judicial Officials of the Supreme Court, which guarantees the minimum services.

“The reason is already old, dates from 2014, which has to do simply with the salary equalization of the employees of the Supreme Court, with the other employees (from other sovereign bodies) who have a salary of two-three times more”, justifies Domingos Fernandes Feka, first secretary of that union.

He, like his colleagues, asks: “how is it that whoever works the least earns”.

Feka says this is the first of four phases of the strike.

“The first is from the 17th until the 24th, next, and depending on the negotiations, in January and February and in April,” he promised.

The union says it has written a letter with its claims to the President of the Republic, who has not yet responded.

Today’s strike until the 24th is the first of four phases of the strike.



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