
Angola: UNITA considers Pinto de Andrade a deputy distracted with limitations and incoherent

The UNITA Parliamentary Group said to have followed the pronouncements of the analysts of Revista Zimbo, on 20 December this year, particularly MPLA Deputy Vicente Pinto de Andrade, calling into question the performance of the President of UNITA and the Deputies of your Parliamentary Group 

According to the UNITA press release, Deputy Vicente Pinto de Andrade has been far from a coherent politician, with the moral to criticize anyone, had it not been for the frustration of his dream of an independent candidate, not having found support in the Constitution of the Republic, making it move closer to a stage with visibility, the National Assembly.

“Unfortunately, and due to his pronouncements, Deputy Vicente Pinto de Andrade confirmed his position of distraction, being part of those who are often seen sleeping in the heat of parliamentary debates, in an image that is not worthy for a representative of the people”, he says UNITA.

For the Black Cock party, it is only in this way that it is justified that it is not aware of the participation and contribution of Members of the UNITA Parliamentary Group and its President Adalberto Costa Júnior.

Furthermore, continuing, his pronouncements prove the pathological will to denigrate the image of the President of UNITA, Engº Adalberto Júnior, and distract Angolans from the failure of the 45-year-old government, without the capacity to solve basic problems of Angolans, such as hunger, poverty, malnutrition, lack of electricity, drinking water, medical and drug assistance, durable roads and quality education.

The UNITA Parliamentary Group understands that free expression should never be confused with lying, manipulation, and distortion of facts, as ethics must override politics.

Due to the lack of knowledge and lack of mastery of Basic Parliamentary Legislation, in particular, Law No. 16/12 of 16 May, Law that approves the Code of Ethics and Parliamentary Decorum, the UNITA Parliamentary Group, appeals to Deputy Vicente Pinto de Andrade and others Distracted politicians, to revisit some rules on the conduct of Deputies to the National Assembly.

UNITA also requests the Parliamentary Administration, to hold more seminars to overcome, in order to help this and other deputies with limitations.

Finally, the UNITA Parliamentary Group reiterated its unconditional support to the Party President, Engº Adalberto Costa Júnior.


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