
Angola: UNITA regrets retrocession of liberties in Angola and compares it to North Korea

In a statement, at the end of the ninth extraordinary meeting of the standing committee, the National Union for Total Independence of Angola (UNITA, the largest opposition party) accused the ruling party (MPLA) of “controlling the press and the courts”.

The party, led by Adalberto Costa Júnior, also regrets the “death of protesters, during several protests that took place in the country, the defamation of opposition leaders, among other practices only comparable to North Korea”.

In view of the country’s current political situation, the statement said, the participants at Tuesday’s meeting “reiterate UNITA’s willingness to dialogue with all the living forces of society, seeking consensus on matters of national interest”.

UNITA members also welcomed the review of the activities carried out in 2020, considering them “positive, despite the constraints caused by the pandemic [of covid-19] and others of a political-administrative nature”.

In his Christmas message, made public today, Adalberto Costa Júnior stated that Angolan families will spend this Christmas “with much more difficulties”, due to the degrading socio-economic condition of the families.

The leader of the “black cock” wished for a new year with great achievements for the country, hoping that Angolans “reopen the construction of a better country for all, with no postponement of its main challenges” and that allows Angolans ” win the fight against poverty, unemployment and covid-19 ”.



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