

USA: João Lourenço asks for forgiveness on behalf of the Angolan State to the “victims of the May 27 massacre”

The Angolan President apologized "publicly apologized for the great harm that was carried out" during the massacre of 27 May 1977, which, according to...

USA: Council of the European Union (EU) advances negotiation of an “investment facilitation” agreement with Angola

The Council of the European Union (EU) today adopted a decision with a view to opening negotiations for an agreement on investment facilitation with...

Portugal: Are Angola’s Problems resolved in Dubai?

Angola's problems gained more substance with the involvement of José Eduardo dos Santos in cases of corruption. From Dubai, where he is now, relevant...

Angola: Attorney General’s Office (PGR) investigates data to investigate complaints about Edeltrudes Costa

The Angolan Attorney General's Office (PGR) announced today that it is collecting data to investigate complaints about the current director of the Angolan President's...

Angola: When José Eduardo dos Santos received an arrest warrant

In Vila Alice, in the late afternoon in Luanda, Justino Pinto de Andrade reveals to the OBSERVADOR details from 1972 that may explain the...