

USA: Zoom prepares to be the new rival of Google and Microsoft

According to a report now released, the company is about to enter the area of ​​email and calendar (where Google and Microsoft dominate). After gaining...

COVID-19: USA approves use of Pfizer vaccine

Covid-19. FDA approves the use of the Pfizer vaccine in the United States. Trump says "vaccination starts in less than 24 hours"US agency approves the use...

USA: Modern announces vaccine with 94% effectiveness and vaccination in the US may start in December

The modern biotechnology company announced, on Monday (30), the completion of the phase 3 tests of the vaccine against covid-19. The pharmaceutical company reported that...

Russia: Russia says Sputnik V vaccine against covid-19 is 95% effective

Russia today announced that its Sputnik V vaccine against covid-19, developed by the National Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Gamaleya in Moscow, is 95%...

COVID-19: Vaccine will arrive first in the US and Europe

The vaccine against covid-19 is expected to arrive in Latin America in March or April 2021, after being distributed to the United States and...