
Mr. National Police Officer, I’m writing this little text for you

Mr. National Police Officer, I am writing this short text for you, starting by saying that I am happy to know that as of January 2021 your salary will have a significant increase, I am happy because you deserve it, because you have a great mission to maintain order, security, and tranquility in the country, like everything, no job is easier than another, all work is work, leaving only to the person who does the same to know how tiring or difficult it is to do it.
Several times you, sir, run very rich in the exercise of your duties, because we know how risky it is to leave the house in the middle of the night to face the men of others, but still, in the name of the nation and the flag you have sworn to defend, you are still on the front line, saving lives and preventing the worst scenes from happening in many houses. That’s why you deserve to have a decent salary that helps to support your family not only.
But, sir, I hope you do not continue to confuse STATE and GOVERNMENT, not the same thing, and learn once and for all.
I have noticed that you still have serious problems in knowing how to distinguish what is the State and what is the Government.
Today I will not teach literacy classes.
But I want you, sir, to realize that:
  • 1º- The police are from the State and not from the MPLA
  • 2nd – The State pays your salary, not the MPLA
  • 3rd – The money that will increase in your salary is not going out in the MPLA safe, it is in the State safe.
  • 4º- Know how to distinguish when you are following orders from the MPLA and when you are following orders from the State.
Don’t be under the illusion of thinking that the MPLA is your boss, your boss is the State,
Don’t think they are increasing your salary to gain more courage in killing Activists in the demonstrations.
Do not be crazy to think that the fact of increasing your salary, the country is super good and there can be no demonstrations,
Do not be crazy to think that we all feel the effects of your salary that has increased, yours has increased, but that does not mean that the country is good.
I hope you take a little of your salary that has increased and buy at least a 2,500kz Constitution, to at least be aware why we go out to the streets to demonstrate, avoid playing the clown and stupid running against those who fight even for your salary to increase.
And stop extorting taxi drivers and zungueiras with your gas, if you want to drink gas, take 100kz off your salary as it has increased …
That was it, sir
By order and tranquility, that embrace of your countryman REVÚ… May God continue to take care of you whenever you go to carry out the orders, even those who tell you to kill us.
Pedro Bamba
Social activist
FreeMind FreeWorld.Org


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