
Portugal: Searches for “buy online” double in Portugal with the pandemic

Google said on Friday that, in the first six months of the year, Portuguese searches for online shopping grew 2.2 times when compared to the first half of 2019.

Between January and July, Portuguese searches for “buying online” on Google’s search engine more than doubled when compared to the same period last year – grew 2.2 times. Among the most sought-after categories are entertainment products, consumer electronics, accessories, makeup, skin creams, and the delivery and collection of food, Google announced on Friday afternoon.

According to Google Trends, searches for video calls, “what to do at home”, “online courses” and “online recipes” had a peak of interest between the months of March and April.

According to the study “McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Portugal Consumer Pulse Survey”, 73% of Portuguese people experienced a new way of shopping during the pandemic. The three reasons that led to these changes were: promotions and better prices (42%), shorter queues / less crowded spaces (28%), and good delivery service/withdrawal options (27%).

“The Portuguese are spending more of their time online and the behaviors and habits of Portuguese consumers have been changing and these are also visible in research behaviors compared to the previous year”, reads the statement.

The same study also says that one of the most prevalent factors for Portuguese decision-making has become the price of products: 45% of users are more aware of spending and 41% say they prefer cheaper products.



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