
Russia: Putin congratulates Joe Biden on presidential victory

Vladimir Putin was available to collaborate with US President-elect Joe Biden, saying he hoped they could overcome the differences between countries.

Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated US President-elect Joe Biden on Tuesday after winning the Electoral College, which decided his victory in the elections. The news is advanced by Reuters , which cites a Kremlin statement.

“For my part, I am ready for interaction and contact with you,” says the Kremlin, quoting Putin.

When the polls gave Joe Biden victory in the US presidential election on November 3, the Russian President said he would not recognize the Democrat until the process was completed at the Electoral College and doubts about the results were removed, given the allegations of fraud raised by Donald Trump.

“Putin wished the President-elect much success and expressed confidence that Russia and the United States, which have a special responsibility for global security and stability, can, despite their differences, really help to solve many of the problems and challenges facing the world. ”, Says the note published on the official website of the Russian government.


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