

Angola: Justice and Partiality

In Cabinda and other parts of the country, they have celebrated when some political and civil society figures or Activists are called to justice,...

Angola: MPLA makes political use of protests, activist says

The organizers of the marches against unemployment in Luanda say that the Angolan authorities want to illegally incriminate the activists who climbed the statue...

Conditional democratization in Angola: Between civic activism and active politics

Intolerance and the ideal of unique thinking have been strong marks of Angolan “activists”. These supposed champions of democracy have made an opposition that does...

Angola: Government recognizes “excesses” in demonstration and criticizes “political interference”

The Angolan Minister of Justice and Human Rights considered that there were "excesses" of protesters and police on the 11th of November, pointing to...

Angola: Lawyer to sue Angolan state and police over death of protester

Lawyer Zola Bambi said today that he will provide legal aid to the family of the young man killed in Luanda in a demonstration,...
