HomeTagsNational Assembly of Angola

National Assembly of Angola

Angola: Political Analyst, Ilídio Manuel says public media will not have gone to the bottom when reporting the eviction of the UNITA Building

UNITA is being faced with a difficult situation, related to its real estate assets, whose return has been complaining without success to the Angolan...

Angola: UNITA considers Pinto de Andrade a deputy distracted with limitations and incoherent

The UNITA Parliamentary Group said to have followed the pronouncements of the analysts of Revista Zimbo, on 20 December this year, particularly MPLA Deputy...

Adalberto Júnior: The Caculo-Cabaça Dam was handed over to Manuel Vicente’s company

In a year of much public outcry over President João Lourenço's actions, the protests are, for Adalberto Júnior, a sign of the crisis that...

Angola: Errors in nationalizations and confiscations put recovered assets at risk

The Government has been committing “mistakes that can be costly in the future”, when passing on seized goods, allegedly built with public funds, without...

Fight against corruption: “Where does corruption live in Angola?”

Close to the executive's one thousand and one hundred days of work after the last elections, Angolans' expectations regarding campaign promises remain high.  Contrary to...
