
USA: Bitter Christmas gift for Isabel dos Santos

Three banks start another action against Isabel dos Santos in Portugal. The action filed on Christmas Day

Angolan businesswoman Isabel dos Santos received a bitter Christmas gift from three banking institutions claiming more than 26 million euros from the businesswoman, several Portuguese newspapers reported.

According to these news, Novo Banco, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, and BCP filed a new lawsuit against Angolan businesswoman Isabel dos Santos, who was admitted to the Lisbon District Judicial Court on Christmas Day, 25 December.

In this new action, the three banks claim € 26.39 million from Isabel dos Santos and Winterfell Industries, from Malta.

Last November, the three financial institutions had initiated two enforcement actions on the subsidiary Winterfell 2, also based in Malta for a total amount of 28.8 million euros.

At stake in these actions is the recovery of the amounts with which Portuguese banks financed Isabel dos Santos in 2015 in the takeover of the company Efacec.

In 2015, Isabel dos Santos acquired Efacec in partnership with the National Electricity Distribution Company (ENDE), through the company Winterfell Industries.


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