
USA: Police prevent protest and arrest “protesters” in the Angolan province of Cabinda

A demonstration called for this Saturday by the civil society and members of the Independent Movement of Cabinda was marked by arrests. The protest was prevented by the police.

The protest against what the protesters consider the Angolan neo-colonization in Cabinda was scheduled for the beginning of the afternoon of this Saturday (29.05).

In the meantime, several avenues have been taken by the police to prevent its realization.

The march would start at Largo 1⁰ de Maio and should end in front of the Chiloango Cultural Center.

However, the event was marked by arrests of at least ten people who were said to be in an uncertain location.

They would be Alexandre Fernandes Liongo Ncasso, Cabindan nationalist, Alexandre Kuanga Nsito, president of the Association for the Development of Human Rights Culture, and António Tuma, member of the Independent Movement of Cabinda (MIC) – in addition to some members of civil society.

The DW Africa came into contact with the director of the Criminal Investigation Service (SIC) in Cabinda that did not confirm any arrests, and frizz that the SIC is unaware of the arrests.

“There was no arrest and we are not aware of this demonstration,” he said.

Detained journalist

Radio Ecclésia journalist Luís Lázaro said he was also arrested and taken to a distant location in the city, after which he was released. Lázaro told DW Africa that he did not understand the reason for his arrest, as he was not on the job.

One of the activists who intended to participate in the demonstration said he was not aware that any demonstration in Cabinda was successful.

“In Cabinda, it is forbidden to demonstrate. The orders are from the invading and occupying regime of the dictator of Cabinda. From 2017 to 2020, the demonstrations were all repressed by the MPLA regime ”, he criticized.

The repressed demonstration would also have the objective of demanding from the Angolan authorities peace and dialogue in Cabinda.



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