
Manuel Rabelais Case: Analysts appoint JES as the main accomplice

In the usual space of the Angolan television channel, TV Zimbo, in analysis of the facts that mark the national news, the university professor, Vicente Pinto de Andrade said that it is unbelievable that Manuel Rabelais alone could do such things without authorization, that is, from the former – Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos.
Vicente Pinto de Andrade, also stated that there is no doubt that José Eduardo dos Santos was aware of the whole scheme, advancing that it is financial engineering, a fact that includes sophisticated and not simple ways of deceiving.
“It means, then, that this case of Manuel Rabelais will naturally be further investigated and it will also be discovered that the web is complex”, he observed, adding that there was a stage in which people no longer look at principles and values, behaving as if they were at the home of mother Joana, according to the slang.
According to the Public Ministry, Manuel Rabelais, moved between 2016-2017, more than 98 million dollars, from the state coffers for his own benefit.
David Mendes, on the other hand, said that there are numerous questions, especially those who controlled the State’s money, because for the latter, at the level of budgetary management of the States, the only service that uses the money in an uncontrolled way, but that responds to Parliament is the Secret Intelligence Service, because of some secret missions.
“And also, it calls my attention, how is it that an individual alone, with a single signature manages to move money from the State. There is a complicity here. That is why it is said that corruption in Angola has been institutionalized, ”said David Mendes.
For the lawyer and independent deputy, the purpose of this institutionalization of corruption in Angola has to do with the factor of obtaining protection, since the one who benefits from the same values ​​cannot have the courage to resort to complaints for being part of the even banquet.
“It is unacceptable. Where was the economic intelligence service to not take care of that? If you realized, why was there no decision? Unfortunately, contrary to what was widely thought, he had to have the support of the head of state. There was here the complicity of the head of state, ”he said.
Due to the particularity that the extinct GRECIMA had, the high values ​​that passed there, without employees or documents that prove what was done there, David Mendes said that there are other people behind, even though Rabelais was the visible face because it is believed that he did not benefit solely and exclusively without other figures by whom he directed the money.
It should be noted that GRECIMA’s main objective was to improve the image of Angola abroad, whose channels were responsible for image agents, publicists, promoters of major events in Kizomba and Kuduro abroad, with very high payments from artists, which it also complicit television channels and other digital platforms, and this could add even more people to the process.


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