
Angola: Ministry of Finance (MINFIN) is certifying 4,000 debt claims

For the Ministry of Finance (MINFIN), in line with the efforts already made, it is intended to print an even more intense pace of certification and regularization next year, envisioning a more favorable economic environment.

“The settlement of arrears with domestic and foreign suppliers is an important premise of the Macroeconomic Stabilization Program, which aims to provide greater sustainability to the private sector due to the resources in question”, they explain.

However, the statement said, in line with fiscal and monetary policy instruments, a large part of these payments are made in public debt securities, which provide liquidity to holders, once they are traded in what is currently an important segment of the capital market.

In the statement rejecting the attacks on officials engaged in managing the process of settling arrears of commercial debt, the Ministry of Finance recommends that all those injured in situations of improbity by their employees or other public agents use the reporting channels that the State makes it available.

In this case, the inspection institutions, namely, the Inspectorate General of Finance (IGF) and the Inspectorate General of State Administration (IGAE). As described, in 2018, Minfin formed the Technical Group for the Support of the State Lender (GTACE), with the objective of proceeding with the settlement of arrears resulting from contracts and contracts for the supply of goods and services to the various entities of the Angolan State. .

In addition to a legal and moral imperative, the settlement of arrears, as it was agreed to designate the nature of these debts, sought to remedy a serious situation for the national economy.

“The regularization of the arrears portfolio, which were duly registered and certified, as they complied with budgetary procedures, was practically completed in the first quarter of this year”, they clarify.


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